Monday, August 6, 2018

HLM. Week 1. Day 2.

BW - 225

Safety Bar Squat - 250X5, 5, 5

Press -
110X5, 5, 5

Deadlift - 325X5

First time using a SSB so...Rep PR!  I was told the bar is 70 lbs. so 2 plates should be 250.  Had to fiddle around with pad placement.  Putting it right on tom of my shoulders, I felt it pushing down into my neck rather than my upper back, and it also made it fairly vertical feeling coming up.  On sets 2 and 3, I worked to find a "natural" way to set it a bit lower on my back, and was able to use a bit more hip drive with that placement.  Ideally, I'd like the mechanics to fall half way between a high bar and low bar, give the benefit of the upper back work from the camber, but also allow for a narrow-to-medium stance to lessen strain on my adductor.  1st and 3rd sets shown for comparison.

This was still the ramp up week for the new program so I just left the press top-set at the same weight as my 3X5 last week.  Top-set and last back-off set shown.

Last week, 315X5 on DL felt very easy (as I would hope), so I did add weight to this movement.  These were harder than I would have expected, but my set up is pretty weak.  My upper back is definitely not extended or "proud" the way it should be prior to the pull.  This needs work.

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