Tuesday, August 14, 2018

HLM. Week 3. Day 1.

BW - 227

Squat -
300X5, 5, 5, 5

Incline Bench - 190X5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Chin-Ups - BWX3, 3, 3

BB Rows - 195X3, 3, 3

This might have been the smoothest set with 375 I've ever done.  I 100% that the Starr Protocol has allowed me to "reset" to better depth on the squat.  That depth seems to be taking some stress off of the adductor (I still feel a twinge in it moving through parallel, but nothing at the bottom), and it's giving me a stronger rebound out of the hole.  I was nervous going into this set as this is 20 lbs. heavier than the heaviest weight I've handled since I went on the protocol.  They just felt great.  Top set and last back-off set shown.

190X5 is a Rep PR for inclines.  This was a challenging weight on every set.  My grip is medium-close (top thumb knuckle on the smooth; about 1.5" out from Press grip), and the combination of the angle and the  closer grip makes the ROM feel forever long.  I had a spotter stand by for the last couple of sets.  I'm programmed to go up to 200 next week, but I'll play it by ear.  It would be great if the strength is there for it, but I'm prepared to do triples if necessary.  Last set shown.

Chin-Ups were whatever.  I'm just doing 3 sets and trying to leave a rep in the tank on every set (RPE 9, I guess).  The BB Rows will either trigger additional adaptations that allow chins to maintain/increase, or they won't.  Tired of living and dying by my chin-up strength for a while.

Rows felt a bit heavier than I expected after last week even though I was only doing triples.  A reminder that with movements that rely on smaller amounts of muscle, something that felt easy at 175, can feel much tougher 20 lbs. heavier even with less reps.  So I added the belt to makes sure I kept everything tight.  Had straps on hand, but those definitely weren't necessary.  Last set shown.

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