Friday, November 8, 2013

LRB 365: Big-15. Phase 2. Week 5. Bench

BW - 205

Bench -

165X12, 3

Chins (close, v-grip) -
+25X2, 2

+25X6, 3
BWX7, 5, 5

DB Bench - 65sX15, 6, 6

Good session.

165X12 is a Rep PR and my goal for the cycle.  I got a 13th rep, but the spotter had his fingers on the bar, and I have no idea how much he may have helped.

I tried to switch some stuff up with the chins by running up faster and to a heavier single.  I was hoping that would leave more in the tank for the back-offs AND make them feel even lighter.  Didn't work out this time, and so I added a couple more BW sets to make up for the lost volume.

65sX15 is my cycle goal for the DB Bench.

2 goals hit to start Week 5.  Good stuff.

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