BW - 200
95, 115, 135X5
Inclines -
95X10, 10, 10
105X10, 10
Chins - BWX10, 6
Pull-Downs - 5 sets of 10-15
Disrupted session. I only took bench to a rep where the bar speed slowed dramatically. I could have gotten 1 or 2 more, and possibly ground out a 3rd. I decided to just take the two extra reps and focus on the BBB sets.
There were a bunch of guys in the main bench area talking NBA when I went to do Inclines and I let myself get sucked into the conversation. The incline sets were all "fine," but they all had 3-4 minute rest between sets because of talking. I've never really talked to anyone in the gym before, and it was kind of nice to socialize, but I feel like I diminished my workout.
Also, I used the really steep incline bench, but I think I'm gonna try the curved one next time. The steep angle just makes it feel a lot more like an overloaded OHP rather than a deficit bench press somehow.
Since this phase is so much about volume, and since I can't do 5 strict sets of 10 on chins, I've decided to just do 50% sets of chins and follow that up with 5X10 pull-downs for lat volume. A little bit of a call-back to the Defranco programs that started all this for me.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
3 days ago
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