Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Block 19 (Tier 2). Cycle 1. Session A.

sRPE @6
BW - 218

Curls - 75X10, 10 @7.5

Bench - 
210X3 @7
180X6 @6
Gaspari Bar High Front Raise - 50X8 @7

Deadlift - 
400X1 @7
340X4, 4 @5

Solid start to the new block.  I'm really excited to be jumping into Tier 1 and Tier 2 Emerging Strategies work.

For the pivot, I also used Tier 2 programming, which is to say the pivot block programming that had yielded the 2nd highest starting % for a prior training block.  While I did this for all 8 of my main movements, I'm primarily concerned about the 3 movements that are the focus of the block: Curls, Press, Squats.

When I did this pivot previously for Curls, it yielded a 97.8% drop-off from the end of the prior block.  This time it yielded 97.9%!  Curls in particular tend to have a big drop-off for me between blocks with an average start of 89.2%.  Really happy about this.

Bench came in slightly under target in both rep ranges.  After the curls, it seemed like I was "feeling the Bench in my forearms" a lot.  I've had curling first in a session interfere a bit with Press, but usually not with Bench.  We'll see how it goes.

Deadlift felt pretty strong.  DL is my only Squat accessory this block.  Not intuitive to me, but my 2nd best Squat block using Emerging Strategies was a block where I only Squatted and Deadlifted for 1@8 and 4X4 @6.  Excited to see how it goes revisiting that!

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