Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Block 19 (Tier 2). Cycle 2. Session A.

sRPE @8.5
BW - 218

Curls - 
80X10 @9
75X10 @~8

Bench - 
215X3 @8
182.5X7 @6
Gaspari-Bar OH Raise - 52.5@8 @9

Deadlift -
415X1 @9
355X4, 4, 4 @~6

Poor session.  Curls were way harder than expected, and lingering adductor DOMS from last session made DL very difficult. 

Going back and reviewing the last time I ran this block for Curls more in depth yielded some surprises.  e1RM actually went down week-over-week in the first 3 weeks then spiked in Week 4 and rocketed off from there.  I went back to look at the block and see if anything changed between Week 3 and 4.  What happened was that I backed-off the weight.  I was trying to force the weight to increase pretty drastically at the beginning of the block until I started hitting @10 on set 2.  After Week 3, I backed off to make sure I was hitting target RPE on the first set, and things seem to have gone better from there.

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