Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Block 19 (Tier 2). Cycle 3. Session A.

sRPE @7
BW - 217

Curls - 77.5X10, 10, 10 @~8.5

Bench - 
215X3 @8
175X7 @6
Gaspari Bar OH Raise - 57.5X7 @10

Deadlift -
420X1 @~9
360X4, 4, 4 @~6

77.5 for 2X10 is a Volume PR on Curls.

Okay session.  I'm probably still pushing harder than I should, and should take my foot off the gas a little bit.  Despite the Volume PR, Curls were flat-ish and more rest-pause-y than I want them to be.  Bench slid back.

Deadlift rebounded a bit as I did a lot of BW squats between the last squat session and this session to keep adductor DOMS at bay.

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