Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Block 5. Cycle 4. Session A.

BW - 220

Squat -
357.5X2 @9
305X6, 6, 6 @~8

High-Bar Squat -
250X5, 5, 5 @8

Bench-Grip Deadlift w/Straps - 305X5, 5, 5 @8

Conditioning - LISS; Stationary Bike; 20 minutes

Solid sessions.  Definitely feel about 95% back from being sick the last couple of weeks.

Squats definitely felt heavy heading into the top set, but the increase in e1RM over last week is about on the average for the last 5 blocks.  I've been tracking week-to-week increases to see if I could reliably predict which weeks would have larger increases during a training block (an old Paul Carter idea).  That kind of seems to be getting blown out of the water, but we'll give it a few more blocks.

High bars felt very good.

BG Deadlift also felt very good, although I was kind of ready for the session to be over at this point.  I think I've let my conditioning work wane a bit the past couple of weeks, and it may be impacting my resistance training.  I'll try to be better about logging the conditioning, and see if that helps with accountability. 

Video is of top sets and final work sets.

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