Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Block 5. Cycle 3. Session C.

BW - 219

Deadlift -
380X2 @9
325X6, 6, 6 @8

Pause Squat - 260X5, 5, 5 @8

Axle Bench -
190X5, 5 @~8.5
185X5 @7.5

Rough couple of week of training ended with a mixed bag session.  Illness and poor recovery made these last couple of cycles a bit of a roller-coaster.  This week looks to be a bit chaotic as well, so I'm going to stay buckled in.

Deadlift went very well this session and was clearly the best main lift of the week.  DL is now pushing up against my e1RM from when injuries side-tracked me to the point that I switched over to RPE based programming back in the fall of '18.  It's been a long slog back up the hill.  I hope I've learned some things.

Pause Squats ended up being the same weight as last week.  Not great, but not terrible.  Comp Squats have been very rough the last couple of cycles, so maintaining on the supplement is probably a new win.

Comp bench was really rough this week, and getting RPE dialed-in on Axle Bench was very difficult in this session.  Overall, it ended up being about the same as last week.  Probably fine.

Video is of top sets and final work sets.

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