Monday, May 13, 2019

Block 5. Cycle 1. Session C.

BW - 217

Deadlift -
360X2 @8.75
300X6, 6, 6 @7.5

Pause Squat -
235X5, 5 @7.5
240X5 @7.75

Axle Bench - 185X5, 5, 5 @8

Was a little all over the place hitting RPE targets on the lower body lifts today, but still a fairly solid session.  I'm writing this a few days after the fact and having been sick all weekend, so my impressions of the lower body lifts are also fairly fuzzy.

I guess the top double on DL could have gone up like 5 lbs. to hit the @9 target, but knowing I was going to be squatting right after, I didn't want to push it.  Likewise the back-off sets could have gone up 5-7 lbs to try and hit @8, but I'm always conservative on DL day.

By the end of the Pause Squat sets, I did try to push the weight up a little bit closer to the RPE target.

First time doing Axle Bench.  Decided to add it in after talking to a guy at the gym that was using it quite a bit.  He suggested a 10% offset and that ended up being right on the money.  Potentially a very useful supplement in that regard, as it seem highly specific to the comp bench with the set-up being entirely identical (grip-width, ROM, etc.), but the thicker grip seeming to necessitate a drop in absolute intensity.  Looking forward to seeing how it progresses.

All video is of top sets and final work sets.

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