Monday, April 1, 2019

Block 4 (Accumulation). Cycle 1. Session C.

BW - 216

Deadlift -
265X9, 9 @6.5

Front Squats -
135X7 @6
145X7, 7, 7, 7 @~7

Dips -
BW+10X7 @5.5
BW+15X7 @6.5
BW+20X7 @7
BWX12 @8

Not sure entirely what happened here.  I moved my feet back an inch or so on my deadlift set-up and ended up with my biggest DL in 6 the beginning of a new training block.  So you could say it's the stance adjustment.  I also pulled Sumo for the first time ever earlier in this cycle.  When that came in at 112% of my Training Max (TM), I just assumed that I might be better at Sumo because I'm a good squatter.  But now my conventional pull comes in at 115% of my TM, but also with a slightly altered stance so....

I don't know.  We'll see.  I also got confused a bit by working on a bar pre-loaded with 100 lb. plates, and got it in my head that my back-off sets were supposed to be @7 rather than @8.  So I did less volume on the warm-ups, and less intensity on the back-offs.  Interested to see how it goes this week.

Front squats came in about where expected 53-58% of squat.  Movement felt very comfortable even though I haven't done them in a long time.  I think I'm just better at being "in my body" on squats than I've ever been.  How to move so that the fleet stay flat and the bar path stays fairly vertical.  Also, didn't have much trouble with the cross-arm rack position, but as weight increases, I expect the pressure on my chest to get uncomfortable like it has in the past.

Dips also came in about on target.  Expected 240-ish for the top-set weight, and ~15 reps for the back-offs.  Satisfied with where these are starting out. 

Video is of top sets and/or final work sets.

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