Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Block 4 (Accumulation). Cycle 3. Session A.

BW - 220

Squat -
252.5X9 @6
265X9 @7
322.5X1 @6
337.5X1 @7
355X1 @8.5
270X9, 9, 9 @~8

Rack Chins - BWX8, 7, 6 @~8.5

Sumo -
270X7 @6.5
285X7, 7 @7.5

Conditioning - LISS; Treadmill Walking; 20 minutes

What an adventure.  I ended up looking at last week's programmed DL numbers instead of my squat numbers.  Didn't realize it until have my last warm-up set of 9.  But that set felt @7 so....I went with it.  Top set ended up being a touch heavier than I wanted, so probably should have been closer to my original target of 345.  Still I decided to push the back-off sets up by 5 lbs., and that worked out okay...although it might have negatively impacted my sumos later in the session. 

Interestingly, this is the third block in a row of having a big jump on squats in cycle 3 and/or 4.  Interested to see what happens next week.

Rack chins took a little step back with the increase in BW.  Need to get that increase under better control.

Sumo were actually a little weaker than last week.  285 was supposed to be my last warm-up, but was clearly @7+ so I stayed there.  As I mentioned above, I suspect going a little harder on Squats earlier in the session  may have contributed. 

Video is of top sets and final work sets.

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