Monday, April 8, 2019

Block 4 (Accumulation). Cycle 2. Session C.

BW - 219

Deadlift -
245X9 @5.5
265X9 @6.5
330X1 @6
350X1 @7.25
365X1 @8
280X9, 9 @~8

Front Squat -
135X7 @5
142.5X7 @6
150X7, 7, 7, 7 @7

Dips -
BW+5X7 @5
BW+10X7 @5.5
BW+20X7 @6
BW+30X7 @7.25
BWX14 @8

Good session.  Nice to pull 365 off the floor again.  It's been over 6 months.  Because of that, the weight feels heavy in my hands, but objectively, I think it's good.  Deadlift is just flying since I made an adjustment to move my feet back a bit and get more knee extension off the floor.  At some point, I assume that adjustment will adapt out, and we'll see where it goes from there.

Front Squats felt good.

Miscalculated my jumps early on Dips and ended up doing an extra set or two.  This was nice in a way, because the first set or two of Dips always kind of feel like shit.  Here, after the +10 set everything was feeling really good.

Video is of top sets and final back-offs.

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