Friday, March 29, 2019

Block 4 (Accumulation). Cycle 1. Session B.

BW - 217

Bench -
150X9 @6
155X9 @6.5
192.5X1 @6
205X1 @6.5
215X1 @7.5
220X1 @8.25
165X9, 9, 9 @~8

DB Bench -
55sX18, 13, 12 @9.5 (350 Method; 43 total reps)

Inverted Row w/feet flat - BWX12, 10, 10 @8/10

Second session of the new block went pretty well.  A bit of fatigue and DOMS from the first session, but so far doesn't seem as bad as the first cycle of the last block, so I'm hopeful I have my approach to pivot blocks more dialed-in.  We'll see how everything feels for Session C which is a full body layout.

Bench went very well, and I tried to go past my target but ended up over-shooting slightly.  Back-offs were all right on target.

DB Bench this cycle is using Paul Carter's old "350 Method."  Pick a weight you can get 15-20 reps with, and do 3 AMRAP sets with short-ish normal rests.  You use the same weight each session until you get more than 50 total reps, then you go up in weight.  Looking back through some old logs, I saw that sometimes when my bench made big progress, I was doing high rep DB assistance work.  So I dusted off this method to revisit that idea.

I threw strict, straight-legged inverted rows into my pivot block and quickly discovered that I couldn't do very many.  One day, a strong-ish guy worked in with me on those and I noticed that he put his feet flat on the ground with bent knees.  Basically unloading the feet and shank from the movement.  I'm decided to roll through into the development block with that adjustment, and it got me well into the rep range I want for this block.  I suspect that before the block is over, I will start playing with "one leg up" etc. to increase the difficulty. 

Only took video of the comp bench today.  Top two singles, and final back-off.

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