Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Block 4 (Accumulation). Cycle 4. Session A.

BW - 219

Squat -
255X9 @6
270X9 @7
335X1 @6.5
352.5X1 @7.5
365X1 @8.5
275X9, 9, 9 @~8

Rack Chins - BWX8, 6, 5 @~8

Sumo w/ straps -
265X7 @6
280X7 @6.5
292.5X7, 7 @7

Conditioning - LISS; 20 minutes; stationary bike

Tougher session.  Probably pushed the squats a little harder than I should have.  The last two blocks I had about a 5% jump in Cycle 4, and I was trying to will that to happen here.  It clearly wasn't in the cards, but I then tried to force a 10 lb. jump, and ended up overshooting a bit on my singles.  I brought it back in line for the back-off sets, and they felt about right. 

Rack Chins dropped off a bit, but I was also "holding the squeeze" pretty hard at the top of each rep.

I was pretty wiped by the time I got to Sumos, but they actually had a bit of a larger jump than last week.  I just really had to will my focus.

I'm traveling next week for work and vacation, and I've decided not to try and shoehorn any training into that trip, so I will be cutting this block short after this cycle.  Would have been interesting to see where it went, though.  Lots of intriguing things happening.

Video is of top sets and final work sets.

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