Monday, April 15, 2019

Block 4 (Accumulation). Cycle 3. Session C.

BW - 220

Deadlift -
260X9 @6
275X9 @7
337.5X1 @6
355X1 @7
375X1 @8
290X9, 9 @~8

Front Squat -
145X7 @6
152.5X7 @6.5
157.5X7, 7, 7, 7 @~7

Dips -
BW+15X7 @6
BW+25X7 @6.5
BW+32.5X7 @7
BWX15 @8

Good session.  Since I adjusted my DL stance, it continues to proceed nicely.  Throws a wrench in data collection over the last several blocks, but who cares?

I have had some nagging right glute/high hamstring discomfort on-and-off this calendar year, and it's starting to rear it's head again, but it actually hasn't interfered with training yet, and hopefully that trend continues.

Hoped to get 160X7@7 on Fronts, but that was gonna be a touch too heavy.  All good.  157.5 was actually what the math expected, but I find that I like to walk in the gym expecting to add 10 lbs. week-over-week, and have the mathematical projection be more of my floor.

RPE on Dips continues to be a bit trickier to predict than other lifts, but this is still right around the weight I was shooting for. 

One thing I'm finding with all my supplemental and accessory lifts is that if the RPE prescription is different from the main/first lift, I have to keep that in mind otherwise I want to go to the main lift RPE.  On Dips in particular, since the back-off set is targeting RPE 8, and the Deadlifts had been RPE 8, I kept thinking my top set was supposed to be RPE 8, and I overshoot my warm-ups.

Video is of top sets and final work sets.

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