Thursday, January 3, 2019

Block 2 (Accumulation). Cycle 3. Day 2.

BW - 212

Squat - 225X10 @5.5

High Bar Squat - 225X3, 3, 3 @~6

Bench - 155X8, 8, 8 @~6

Deadlift - 235X8, 8, 8 @6.5

Conditioning - LISS; Treadmill; 20 minutes

Another solid session.

Quad still "tickles" a lot during warm-ups on squats, and a bit during the 10 rep set.  I get acclimated to it, and it doesn't really interfere with my work sets.  I am sometimes waking up in the night to find my quads really achy, and hard to get into a position where they calm back down.  I get something similar when I've been driving for a long time.

Mis-loaded the bench to 155 instead of 145 and it was til @6 so....interesting.

On DL, getting more acclimated to holding position and taking a breath at the bottom of the rep.  SUPER boring on warm-ups, but actually seems to help prevent cardio fatigue on the work sets.  In addition to keeping form tighter.

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