Thursday, January 10, 2019

Block 2 (Accumulation). Cycle 5. Day 1.

BW - 213

Squat - 255X8, 8, 8 @6.5/7.5

Tempo Incline 2-2-0 - 120X5, 5, 5 @6

Tempo Row 0-2-0 - 112.5X8, 8, 8 @6/7

Solid session over all.

Took another 10 lb. jump on squats, but that may have been a bit much this time, so I'll target a 5 lb. jump next time.

Inclines were @6 across, but rest times were artificially long due to gym talk.

Tempo Rows were solid.  Feel like I'm getting mechanically more efficient at this movement.  Only got video of the first set of these.

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