Monday, January 14, 2019

Block 2 (Accumulation). Cycle 5. Day 2 and Chicago Strength Symposium

BW - 209

Squat - 240X10 @ 6

High Bar Squat - 240X3, 3, 3 @ ~6

Bench - 162.5X8, 8, 8 @6/7

Deadlift -
250X8, 8 @6.5/7
225X8 @6

BW - 210

Deadlift - 315X2, 2, 2 @7/8

Squat - 260X8, 8, 8 @6

Squats and Bench on Day 5.2 both went really well.  Deadlift gassed me out pretty fast, and had to drop 10% for the third set.

Attended the Chicago Strength Symposium at my gym all day on Sunday.  A lot of great presenters providing a lot of good info.

Got some DL instruction from Hani Jazayrli and Megan Rori Alter.  Hani gave me some advice on mixed-grip placement to keep the bar from rotating away from me on the supinated side, and Rori noticed I had one bloodied shin, and spent some time working with me on set-up before the pull to get my hips and chest in a better starting position.  Ended up going much heavier than I have in months, but it was fine.  No adductor, quad, or back pain issues.

Then I decided to start my workout.  Ended up getting a squat check from Bryce Lewis ("Looks good.") and having a great conversation with him about when to worry about technique and when not to, the value of peaking, and a few other topics.  Friendly talk.  After squats, I felt a bit "done," and decided to do the rest of the workout on the following day (this evening).

Only get video on the 5.2 session.

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