Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Old Man Texas Method. Week 6. Volume Day

BW - 228

Squats - 345X5, 5, 5

Bench - 200X5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Deadlift - 315X5, 5

Everything moved pretty well on Squat and Bench.  Final sets shown.

The increase in Deadlift weight from 310, has these feeling a bit more like real work-sets and not as much like speed work.  That's good.  I'm contemplating if I need to add another set on V.D. because of last I.D.'s shit-show.  But I want to give the weight increase a chance to drive adaptation first.  Trying to avoid increasing both weight AND sets at the same time so that I've got a better chance of understanding what's working and what's not.  Final set shown.

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