Monday, April 9, 2018

Old Man Texas Method. Week 5. Intensity Day

BW - 228

Squat - 385X5

Press - 150X3 (fail on 4), 3

Deadlift - 375X2 (fail on 3), 2, 2

385X5 is a PR on Squats.  As has been usual on Intensity Day, the late-middle warm-up sets didn't feel great, but the last single of warm-ups felt okay, and then the work set felt really good. 

That was the good news.  The rest wasn't so good.  Press felt very heavy in the late warm-ups.  I girded my loins and still went into the work set looking for 5, but failed on rep 4.  So okay.  We'll move on to 2X3 for Press on I.D.  Technically, this is a 2X3 PR.  Both sets shown.

Deadlifts were an even bigger disaster.  Based on advice I got from a Starting Strength coach on their forum, I reset my DL by 15 lbs. so that I could progress again with the preferred 1X5 -> 2X3 -> 3X2 -> 5X1 ID progression.  Well, I failed on rep 3.  However, watching the video and being honest with myself, I think I gave up on it pretty quick.  The 2nd and 3rd sets of 2 looked plenty strong and fast.  Therefore, I will go at this weight again next week.  I will either get the 5, or look for 2X3 to progress on.  1st and 3rd sets shown.

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