Monday, July 31, 2017

Novice LP. Session 43 (Greyskull Squats and Press)

BW - 226

Bench -
192.5X5, 5

Deadlift -

Chin-Ups - BWX5, 3, 5, 3, 4
super-set with
Dips -
BW+25X5, 5

The pins on the adjustable bench had worked their way out and kept hitting the plate during the reps on my workset.  The spotter tried to fix it, and ended up lowering one of the supports entirely.  I thought I would still get rep 5, but I didn't.  I'll just go get it next week.

350X3 is a Rep PR on Deadlift.  First one in a long time.  Set felt pretty good.  Back-off sets are still feeling harder than the top set since I started using a belt.
Felt ready to start adding weight to Dips.  Upping the intensity on pressing, I thought I better try to balance it out with a few chins.  Started off with +25 for two very do-able sets of 5.  Wanted to start very easy to make sure I get acclimated to the differences the weighted dip belt causes in the movement.  For the 2nd set, I ended up pinching the plate between my knees to try and get more control.  Full body movement, hahhaa!

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