Friday, July 28, 2017

Novice LP. Session 42 (Greyskull Squats and Press)

BW - 228

Press - 125X5, 5, 8

Squat - 325X5, 5, 8

Chins - BWX7, 4, 4

8th rep on Press was a grinder.  I was hoping another 9 rep PR was going to be there, but it wasn't.

325X8, however, is a Rep PR.  Still having trouble staying upright with a straight bar path, but videoing the first two sets is helping me correct that going into the AMRAP set.  Strength feels like it's there for more, but my wind isn't there for more.  Feel like I can't get full breaths between the last couple of reps.

Chin-up strength was a little better than last session.

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