Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Full-Body. Week 5. RDL

BW - 229

Squats - up to 225X5, 5, 5

Bench - up to 175X3, 3, 3

RDL - up to 165X20

Relatively light day all around with no PR opportunities planned.

One thing, I will be keeping an eye on these sort of "extra volume" bench sessions where I use my work-set weight from Bench day for sets of 3-5.  The PR range for those weights is moving into single-digit territory.  While the above sets felt good, at some point I expect I should back these down to doubles, and then probably singles.  And I've been doing the same weightXreps for Inclines.  I may want to back those down first and/or eventually drop the weight back down on those and do 1-2 higher rep sets.

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