BW - 212
Inclines -
95X5, 5
BB Preacher Curls -
60X8, 8, 5
super-set with
French Press - 50X15, 15, 15, 15, 15
Well shit. My target here is to beat 135X22. Really thought that was going to happen today. Oh well. Slow and steady.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
Hi nilster,I found your blog from Built Like a Badass Thread..
I just want to talk for BLAB Program and need your experience WSFSB and BLAB program (basicly Joe De Franco style)
If you reply me and contact with me i will be really glad for you..
Btw,if you share your mail,skype or insta we will be better messages eachother..
Unless you have a live coach that speaks English as well as you, these DeFranco programs will have too much variety for a new lifter like you. The only other advice I could give would be:
1) Buy Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 e-book.
2) Do the Boring But Big program for an entire year.
3) Eat a lot of food prepared by yourself or your family.
4) Don't ask anyone on the internet a lifting question for the entire year.
5) If you don't understand something, re-read the book. It's all in there.
That's all I have for you on program advice. Best of luck.
Firstly thanks for your answer Nealstar..
I'm not completely fresh beginner
My maxes now 80kg bench,130kg deadlift,110kg squat and I'm 75 kg 188cm 26 years old..
I starting BLAB to last week so I want asking because this..
I dont want do to 5/3/1 completely,BLAB is looks same but isnt you know that..
I'm Amateur Football player (Soccer) and I want to really mass/strength my overall physique..
So If you help for BLAB or WSFSB for me Im really glad for you,I just wanna asking 4-5 questions on these program,because Im livin Turkey and My English is not so amazing..
Thats it ^^
If you're doing this for off-season work, then it probably doesn't matter either way. I still think BLAB has way to much variation for less experienced lifters, and that's probably why you already have "4-5 questions" without having even started yet. Because of that I still recommend running 5/3/1 BBB around whatever skill work, etc. you need to do in your off-season. It's so much simpler, that you won't have any questions about it.
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