BW - 205
Squat -
BarX10 (paused)
95X5 (paused)
275X5, 3
High Bars - 225X3, 3, 3
super-set with
Low Bar Paused - 225X3, 3, 3
Front Squat - 135X11
Crunched for time, so I did a bunch of squat variations with short rests instead of 30 minutes on the treadmill. Lots more fun this way.
The 315X1 moved okay, but the rep sets of 275 felt like shit. Getting out of gas and just feeling shaky on the way up. One or both of those may be due to the diet. Anyway, that's another reason I decided to go with squat variations for my volume instead of regular squat sets.
I've never super-set (giant set?) high-bars with paused low bars. I really liked it. It's neat to be able to leave the bar in one spot with the same weight on, and get this kind of work in. Also, my quads and hamstrings are both fairly "tired" feeling the next day. That almost certainly means they'll be really sore tomorrow.
After the last pair of triples on that, I felt like it was time to be done with those, but I wanted to do one more thing. I decided to just strip it down to 1pps and rep out some front squats. I'm sure that also contributes to my quads feeling exhausted today. My tracker told me this was an all-around PR, which seemed crazy to me. I checked this morning, and found a flaw in the app. 13 would have been a Rep PR, but I would have needed to get up closer to 20 for an all-around PR. Still, coming within spitting distance of a Rep PR after all the other volume ain't nuthin'.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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