Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Reps and Volume. Week 16. Bench

BW - 212

Incline -
95X5, 5
175X7*, 3, 4 (*failed on 8)

DB Laterals - 20sX20, 20, 20
super-set with
Rolling DB Triceps - 30sX20, 20, 15

DB Hammer Curls - 40sX10, 10, 10
super-set with
DB Rear Delts - 30sX18, 18, 18

175X7 is a Rep PR, and, together with 14 total reps, meets my goal for this weight.  I'll reset next week with 185 as my over-warm-up single.

I was going to try machine benching today, but once I got there something said work through the delts so I did that instead.  I've been doing lots of OHP and rear delts, but I hadn't done anything for the lateral head for awhile.  Who knows, maybe it can help jump-start some improvement before I go see a professional about my shoulder issues.  Also, my shoulder is WAY less achy for having not done the heavy lock-outs.  I'm suspicious that as I work back up on Inclines and start looking to hit reps at 185+, I may run into the same issues, however.

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