Friday, January 16, 2015

Vacation Prep. Week 1. Deadlift

BW - 209

Deadlift -
345X3, 3, 3, 3, 2

Bulgarian Split Squat - BWX20, 20, 15

GHR - BWX12, 10, 8

Treadmill - 30 minutes; incline walking

Odd session.  I misread my programming here, and I'd intended to do high-rep sets with a much lower weight.

I discovered last time that my deadlift form was set up with the shoulders well behind the bar and the hips fairly low.  I started playing around with adjust that here.  I didn't think to film it, which is dumb and a tool I need to use to fix this.  The good news is that my back felt strong and VERY stable in this position which helps reduce the yips I have from injuring myself a couple months back.  The bad news, is I still feel very slow off the floor.  The thing is that the first rep feels the slowest to break, and the subsequent reps feel better.  That screams bad set-up, so I'll just have to work it.

Got more reps total on the split squats which are still brutal as hell.

Really making the GHR a struggle for myself.  I'm dropping my upper body a little bit below parallel at the bottom of the movement and focusing on initiating the concentric with my glutes first before I start extending the knees.  Still pushing the glutes through hard right before the top as well.

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