BW - 199
Bulgarian Split Squats - BWX15, 15, 15
DB Incline -
50sX10, 11, 15
Deadlift -
275X5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Chins - BWX8, 6, 6, 4
EZ Bar, Reverse Grip, Preacher Curls - 40ishX15, 10, 8
No rehearsal, and back at my regular gym, so I was able to get the full session in as originally programmed.
Shoulder didn't love the DB Incline the next day, but it wasn't as aggravated by these as by dips. On my last set, I got a guy to stand by and take the DB out of my left hand for me. Getting it down to the ground without dropping it seemed to be aggravating the shoulder more than the actual pressing.
Deadlifts felt strong. I was originally going to go super-light and stop at 315 and then drop down to something in the low-to-mid 200's for sets of 5-8. However, 315 was so fast I decided to jump on up to 365 and then back-off to 275. 365 was fast, and all the sets/reps of 275 felt strong and fast until the last reps on the last couple sets. Had a lot of fun with this.
Was pretty well blasted for chins afterwards, though.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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