Monday, April 7, 2014

Higher Reps. Week 5. Deadlift

BW - 210

Deadlift -
135X5, 5
295X3, 3, 3, 3, 3

BB Rows - 155X17, 11, 10, 9
DB Rows - 65sX15, 14
all rows super-set with
Leg Curls - X25, 20, 20, 18, 18, 15 (straight-weight)

Good session.  I'm taking my work-sets on Deads back to the floor to see if the lingering strain I've got in my low back will be alleviated by it.  I'm writing this 3 days later and it feels MUCH better.  At the same time, I backed it off from deficit sets of 5, to conventional sets of 3 at the same weight, so the work-load was less as well.

155X17 is a Rep PR on BB Rows, and I managed to push the reps on all the sets a tad.  I credit this completely with backing off so much on the deads.

DB Rows similarly benefited.

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