Monday, April 7, 2014

Accessory +Biceps. Week 5

BW - 209

Jogged to and from the gym; about 15 minutes each way with some intermittant walking.

Machine Pullovers -
Work-setsX15, 12 (straight-weight; same as last week)

Chins - BWX6, 3, 4 (double-paused)

Pulldowns (medium, neutral-grip) - X16, 12, 10 (straight-weight; same as last week)

Reverse-grip, EZ Bar, Preacher Curls - 40ishX20, 15, 14, 12
DB Curls - 35sX10, 10, 10, 10
all curls super-set with
Rope Extensions - X22, 18, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15

BB Curls - BarX20

Decline Sit-ups - X15, 10, 3*

Everything went well.

*wasn't sure if my low back was loving this or not.  Otherwise, the movement felt pretty good, and it was nice to have something different to do besides Ab Wheel. 

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