Monday, August 20, 2012

5/3/1 Full-Body: Cycle 3. Week 1. Hill Sprints

LRB Diet* - Day 36

BW - ???

Hill-Sprints -
Five, 5-10 minute sets on various hills
interspersed with 5-10 minute walks from hill to hill
last 1.5 sets were superset with regular push-ups; 80 reps total
last 0.5 set was finished with supersets of planche-position (or "reverse grip") push-ups; 10 reps total
1 hour 15 minutes total time; sore as hell for 2 days following

I was out of town at a wedding, and to prepare for the influx of copious calories from unpredictable sources, I followed *Paul Carter's Holiday Diet.  Three days of low-to-no carbs with regular training leading up to the day(s).  On the day of the feast, you train your ass-off in the morning and then go binge on carbs+.  Paul calls for weight training here, preferably squatting.  I had no access to a weight facility in this tiny Wisconsin resort town, BUT the town is hilly as hell so Hill-Sprints it was.  We drove up that day, and I stayed protein only until we got up there.  Then I basically walked all over town, and whenever I found a good hill, I'd run it for 5-10 minutes then walk around until I found another good one.  The last two hills, I started doing 10 reps sets of push-ups at the bottom of the hill before sprinting back up.  On my last hill, my shoulders were getting a little sore, so I reversed my hand placement and did planche-position push-ups on the last two runs.  Then I walked back to the hotel, downed a protein shake, slept for an hour and a half, woke-up and pounded another protein shake, then went to dinner with the wife and destroyed cheese fondue, sauerkraut, Roesti (cheese-stuffed hash browns), assorted dry sausages, apple pie, and local beer.

The next morning, I woke up and went for a 45 minute, brisk walk around various hiking trails around the town.  I fasted all AM, then had a little bit of chicken and cabbage at lunch followed by another protein shake.  At the wedding dinner, I expected a buffet or some other situation where the food wouldn't be that spectacular and I could pick and choose just the low carb items.  That plan was torpedoed by the best goddamn wedding food I have ever encountered.  Nonetheless I tried to skew hard towards fat and protein, but with all the alcohol being consumed, it probably didn't matter. 

Still, the next morning came around and I looked about as trim as I did going into the weekend, AND I looked a bit fuller in my muscles.  Particularly, my shoulders and traps seemed to have really benefited from the extra work I've started giving them combined with the week's diet.  I didn't have access to a scale, so I have no idea where my weight was these last three days, and will have to find out what ballpark I'm in when I hit the gym this afternoon.  All in all, I'm pretty happy with the results, even if it was more of a pain in the ass than I would prefer. 

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