Defranco hip mobility
Pause Squats -
Deadlift -
GHR - 5 sets of 15
Hammer swings - 15 seconds on, 45 off; 20 minutes. 15-17 swings per round.
Weird session owing, almost surely, to all the holiday drinking the night before. I think my form was loose on the squats as my low-back started feeling really worked, and I had a hard time holding my pause. We'll see how it goes again this weekend.
My brain was just not firing on all cylinders today, and I had forgotten to update the mobile version of my spreadsheet. Deadlifts were supposed to be a lighter 5X5 week, but the spreadsheet said 3X3 and then I did my first two work sets at 5 reps before realizing the spreadsheet said something else and not realizing the spreadsheet was wrong! Gah! Also, everything felt kind of heavy, and my grip felt a bit week.
GHR was fine. I dropped back to a slightly easier setting, and just tried to get more volume in. Wasn't trying to push anything here after the squats and deads.
Somebody finally brought a big tractor tire into the gym, so I used that for the hammer swings today. I knew it would be a little easier not having to drop down as far so I new I would go for 20 minutes today instead of 15. By the end of the session, I was also managing to average more than a swing per second meaning I was often getting 16-17 swings in 15 seconds. Also, my shoulder felt wonky for a day or two after my last session, but no problems today.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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