Defranco - Rollovers, piriformis stretch, lat stretch
Deadlift -
T-Bar Rows (unsupported) -
75X17, 13, 5 (35 total reps)
Standing Abs -5X10-15
295X2 is a Rep PR on the Deadlift. Back in October, 295 tested as my true max. This was pretty easy, and that feels awesome. However, my grip felt a little shaky on the 2nd rep. Bears keeping in mind.
Upped the work-weight on the rows to 75. My target for this session was 15 reps on the first set, which would project to an increased 1RM. I hit that and clearly had more so I kept going, however the 17th rep was difficult to touch on. Nevertheless, I was jazzed and determined to reach my 30 rep total on the 2nd set, which I did, but again the last couple reps were hard. I decided to throw in one more set just for the extra work. Also, because my grip was shaky at the end of the Deadlifts, I didn't use straps on my first work-set here, and only pulled them on to make sure I got to 13 on the 2nd set.
I like my chances for hitting 20 in one set next week, and then upping the work-weight again for the final week of the program. Also, I'm feeling significantly more comfortable with this movement than I ever did before. I think it's time to start seriously doing some Pendlay's now. I'm probably going on a 2-day split following this because of my schedule, but when that opens up again, I'm considering keeping bench on the back-burner and focusing on BB Rowing.
I also contracted my abs against resistance whilst in a standing position. Repeatedly.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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