Defranco Hip Mobility
Squats -
Leg Curls - 5 sets of 15; 10 partials at the end of the last set
V-Ups - 3X10
Prowler Pushes; High-Handles down and back - 90 lbs., 15 pushes, 15 minutes
275X1 is a Rep PR, 195X20 is a Rep PR, increase to projected max, and my target for the cycle. Left me sweating hard, and with my heart pounding like crazy. Great session, great cycle for squatting. Don't know what else to say.
I started off a little lighter on the leg curls today. After the squatting, I just didn't feel like punishing myself here the way I did last time. I'll give myself some headroom to grow into, as I'm going to do hamstring work every training session of the 2-day split I'll be working for the 6 weeks following this program. I've been looking at a lot of John Meadows leg-training stuff for no good reason, and I hit some partials at the end here to see what that was like. Didn't seem like much honestly, but what do I know.
Hadn't done V-Ups for a long time, so I decided to do those here instead of cable crunches. Interestingly, the lat-pull down machine that I always use for cable crunches was set up with the rope handles I always use for those. I never leave rope handles on the pull-down machine. I can't help but wonder if someone else is doing "my" cable crunches. Bravado.
Maybe it's cuz I didn't kill myself with leg curls, but I was feeling some prowler pushing today. My feet were achy from some sprinting I did on Friday, and a 3-hour walking tour I did on Saturday, so I just did high-handle down-and-backs for 15 minutes. Good fun.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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