Sunday, September 8, 2024

Press, Deadlift, Back and Triceps

sRPE @
BW - 226

Press -
-    up to 135X1 @8
-    155X0, 0
-    135X4 @10

Push Press - up to 165X1 (PR) @9.5

SLDL - up to 335X1 (PR) @9.5

Pulldowns - X12, 10, 8, 8 @10
super-set with
Pushdowns X18, 16, 14, 12 @10

Strict Pressing strength was not there on this day, so I pivoted to Push Press and grabbed a PR there.

Still working on technique on SLDL.  I've done thousands of RDLs, but starting and returning to the floor hits different.

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