Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sumo DL, Upper Back, Hips

sRPE @9
BW - 223

Sumo DL - 
-    up to 385X1(PR) @9.5
-    w/ Straps 315X6, 6, 4 @7/10*

Upper Back Attack - 
-    Inverted Rear Deal Rows - BWX12, 12 @~10
-    Inverted Rows - BWX12, 10 @~9
-    Inverted Scapula Shrugs - BWX12, 11 @10

Big Hipper Supersets -
-    VKR Bent Knee Raise - X11, 10, 10 @10
-    Glute Hypers - X12, 10, 10 @9/10
-    Adductor Machine - X14, 12, 9 @10

Pushdowns - X14, 12, 9 @~10

365 moved so well that I thought I would get 405, but still got a PR.  *I had a back spasm on the 3rd back-off set so I cut it there.  No lingering pain from that.

Similar to the Seal Row, the Inverted Row feels ok on Rear Delt and regular rows, but on the Scap Retractions I'm really missing the ability to take my thoracic spine through a good ROM.  I think CS and Cable Rows are just superior in this regard.  I might try this with 1-arm DB rows if I'm feeling really good one day and have plenty of time.

Discovered I could basically due a full concentric rep on hypers just by contracting my glutes.  Fun!  I then tried contracting my glutes on the concentric, but then relaxing them at the top and letting my erectors handle the eccentric.  Kind of a lot to focus on, but ok.

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