Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sumo DL, Upper Back, Hips

sRPE @8
BW - 224

Sumo DL - 
up to 365X1 (PR) @9.5
add straps 315X6 (PR), 6, 6 @~8

Upper Back Attack -
-    CS Rear Delt Rows - 55X20, 17 @9/10
-    CS Rows - 100X10, 8 @9/10
-    CS Scap Retractions - 100X12, 10 @~10

"Little Hipper" supersets -
-    Hanging Bent Knee Raise - BWX11, 12 @7/9
-    Adductor Machine - X15, 13 @10

I don't think I've ever actually pulled Sumo mixed-grip before.  Supinated hand swung way out on the top set.

Back-off sets were harder than I expected at this weight.  Felt like my eye was gonna pop out.

Because of the Sumo, etc. decided to not do any hip extension on the "Hipper" super-sets. I did mess around with trying to keep my knees bent back throughout the knee raises with the idea of keeping the RF more lengthened.

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