Thursday, May 16, 2024

Cambered Bench, Hack Squats, Curls

sRPE @7
BW - 222

Cambered Bench - 
-    up to 205X1 @8.5
-    155X6, 6, 6 @6.5/8

Hack Squats - 25psX10, 10, 10 @~7

DB Curls - 25sX12, 10 @9.5
DB Incline Curls - 20sX10, 8 @10

Singles on Cambered Bench felt good, but difficulty ramped up precipitously on the back-off sets.  

Adductors and Glutes were still pretty sore from SSB on Monday, so I just threw a little weight on the Hack Squat and tried to get some blood in there.  Each set felt better than the last, but I didn't feel the need to push weight.

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