Thursday, May 9, 2024

Bench, Toes-to-Bar, Curls

sRPE @5.5
BW - 223

Bench - up to 245X1 @9.5

Toes-to-Bar - up to BWX7(BW Rep PR) @10

BB Curls - up to 80X10 @10

First comp Bench since early March.  Heaviest Bench since I hit 255 last July which tied my previous PR.  

Haven't done TTB since November.

On Curls, 80X10 ties my previous PR.  Haven't done BB Curls since mid-February?

Possible take-aways:
-    Bench - This wasn't really a surprise.  I've been doing a flat bench variation almost every week and regularly hitting 225+ singles on them.  Nice to be in striking distance of my previous PR.
-    TTB - Had no idea how this would go, but I've been doing a lot of vertical pulling and hip flexion, so I guess that worked.
-    Curls - Also didn't know how this would go as I've been doing a lot of Long ROM training, partials, tempo, pauses, etc.  Maybe at the end of the day, it's a single-joint exercise and I should expect BB-style training to carry-over really well to that.
-    With working all these variations instead of the main lifts, am I conjugate now, lol?

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