Thursday, October 28, 2021

Block 17. Cycle 5. Session B.

sRPE @8
BW - 218

Bench -
245X1 @9
200X3, 3, 3, 3, 3 @6/~7

Chin-Ups -
BWX8 @8
Density - 2 reps every 0:30; 3:00; 12 total reps @8
DB Rows - 90X10, 8 @8/10

Squat -
335X3 @7
215X14 @6

DB Curls - 40sX10, 9 @8/10

Bad head cold (hopefully) started hitting it's high-water mark around this session.  Wanted to bail about half way through but slogged on.

Bench was challenging but still more-or-less on RPE target.

Everything was strong during upper-back slot.

Gas was basically gone when I got to squats.  These have been plateauing in this maintenance slot anyway.

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