Thursday, October 21, 2021

Block 17. Cycle 4. Session B.

sRPE @7
BW - 218

Bench - 
240X1 @9
195X3, 3, 3, 3, 3 @~6

Chin-Ups - BWX7 @8
Density; 2 reps every 0:30; 3:00 / 12 total reps @8
DB 1-Arm Rows - 90X10 @8.5

Squat -
350X3 @7.5
215X14 @6

DB Curls - 37.5sX10, 11 @8/10

No PRs on this day, but most things went well.

Bench moving nicely at these lower reps.  E1RM on the top single is averaging almost a 2.5% increase week-over-week.

Chin-Ups feeling strong the last couple of weeks.  It occurred to me that I might be trying to "force" progress by looking to add reps to the density sets every week.  I decided to sit back and say "keep those the same unless progress on the top set stalls."  Top set has been going up, and this was possibly the easiest "12-in-3:00" of the block so far.  That @8 on the last reps was the ceiling.  Possibly @7.5.

I'd intended for the DB Rows to be an @10 set on this day, but they came in under with the weight I picked, and I didn't want to do another set before Squats.

Still taking a full 5 minute break between the upper back slot and Squats, but it didn't really help that much this day.  E1RM stalled out, and everything felt pretty hard.  Even though the back-off set was @6, I was still gasping for air afterwards.  Very likely Squats move back into a primary training slot the next two training blocks.  I need to keep in mind that they're not THAT far off from where I'd like them to be relative to my other lifts currently.  But the way DL is going I have a feeling that gap is going to widen quite a bit by the end of this block.

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