Monday, March 18, 2019

Pivot Block. Cycle 2. Session A.

BW - 216

5-3-0 Tempo Squats -
225X4 @5
235X4, 4, 4 @~6

Front Racked Reverse Lunges - BarX8, 8, 8 @~6.5

High Incline Bench -
115X7 @5.5
117.5X7, 7 @6

Inverted Row - BWX6, 5, 5 @~10

BB Curls - 50X10, 10, 10 @ ~8

Nice light session.  I did get the front racked reverse lunges to feel okay on my quad by doing more extensive warm-up sets with BW first holding the squat stand for a set of 8, and then just free standing for a set of 8.  I would have thought the tempo squats were enough of a warm-up, but last time that proved not to be the case.  Anyway, I'm glad I got these to work, as the gym doesn't really have a good bench for the high-step ups I did last time.

Where there is video, it is of final sets.

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