Thursday, March 14, 2019

Pivot Block. Cycle 1. Session B.

BW - 217

Tempo DL 5-3-0 - 225X4, 4 @6, 7

Single-Leg Elevated Hip Thrust - BWX12 @8

Tempo Bench 5-3-0 -
135X4 @7.5
125X4, 4 @6

JM Press -
85X8 @8
75X8, 8 @6

Pull-Downs - X9, 7 @9

Leg-Raise - X10, 15 @6,10

Tempo DL was even harder than I expected.  Thought the weight would be light enough that I could go double-overhand, but had to switch to mixed grip and that still ended up being a challenge.  In this case, 5-3-0 means a 3 second pause right off the ground, and a 5 second eccentric.

Haven't done these single-leg elevated hip thrusts since back my DeFranco training days.  Still feels like it could be a useful movement in this context.

Nothing really to note about anything else.  Video is just of DL, Bench, and JMs.

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