Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Block 3 (Transmutation). Cycle 6. Session B.

BW - 216

2 ct. Pause Squat -
215X5 @5.5
245X5 @6.5
252.5X5, 5 @~7.5

Bench -
165X7 @6
197.5X3 @7
207.5X3 @7.5
212.5X3 @8
182.5X7, 7, 7 @7

Deadlift -
245X7 @6
300X3 @7
315X3 @8
267.5X7 @6.5

Much better session than last time.  Training at my normal time just makes such a difference.  I wish it didn't, but there you go.

Pause Squats were a bit scattered.  Previous Squat session indicated I might get a regression, and 215 moved slower than I would have liked.  But I still felt that my strength shouldn't have regressed that much, so I jumped to 245, and it ended up being slightly light.  Went up to 252.5, and it ended up being slightly heavy, so I called it good.  Dropping back down to 245 and doing a second set there just to try and get a third set @7 seemed silly.

Bench went really well.  By far the biggest jump of the cycle with a 5.4% increase in e1RM over last session on both the top set and the back-offs. 

Deadlift was much milder, but still positive.  I repeated last cycles weights, and got a slightly better RPE on the top set, but a much better RPE on the back-off set.

Looking for peaking patterns in the cycle so far:
Squat made it's biggest jump in Cycle 4, and 2nd biggest in Cycle 5.
Bench made increasingly bigger jumps culminating in Cycle 4, but then here made it's biggest jump in Cycle 6.
Deadlift made it's biggest jumps in the first three cycles with the biggest in Cycle 3. 

Pretty clear that I need to run minimum one more cycle here and see what happens.  I need to see if Squat bounces back at all from last session training in unusual conditions.  See what happens with Bench after this sessions sparkling performance, and see if anything moves one way or the other with Deadlift.

Video is of top sets and final work sets.

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