Monday, March 11, 2019

Block 3 (Transmutation). Cycle 7. Session B.

BW - 213

2 ct. Pause Squats -
237.5X5 @6
250X5 @7.5
245X5, 5 @7/8

Bench -
177.5X7 @6
205X3 @7
217.5X3 @7.5
187.5X7, 7, 7 @ 7/8

Deadlift -
260X7 @6.5
305X3 @7
320X3 @8.5
272.5X7 @7

Expected this to be the final session of this block, hoped it wouldn't be, but it was.  Recent trends continued.

Squat strength continued to regress slightly.  Went in looking for an increase that wasn't there.  Even after backing off in weight, RPE ramped quickly.

Bench continued to drive upwards on the top set, and it's possible I could have eked out some more intensity over another cycle, but RPE ramped quickly on the back-off sets so I'm comfortable with moving on.

Deadlift strength continued to stagnate on the top set.  Back-off set felt very solid.

One possible take-away from the disparity in the lifts is that while all my supplemental lifts were fairly specific to the main lift, the bench supplement (close-grips) had the most similar absolute intensity.  Here are how the three supplemental lift average e1RMs compare to the comp lifts during this block:
2 ct. Pause Squat - 81.5%
CG Bench Press - 95.1%
Plate Deficit DL - 92.3%

DL supplement % wasn't that different, so why not more progress on that?  Possibly because less overall volume.  Because I've had a couple of low back tweaks set me back in recent blocks, I've been very conservative about ramping overall DL volume block-to-block.  In comparison of work slots and work reps between comp lift and supplemental lift this block:
Squat - 7 slots - 39 reps
Bench - 7 slots - 42 reps
Deadlift - 4 slots - 24 reps

Overall, Bench e1RM also showed the biggest increase.  Here are the peak e1RM comparisons to the prior block:
Squat - 383.4 -> 382.4
Bench - 239 -> 255.9
Deadlift - 365 -> 365

So the only lift that really showed tangible progress happens to be the one with the most volume and where the supplement had the least overall variation from the main lift. 

I will be looking to bring DL volume gradually more in line with the other two lifts.  Next block will be another volume, or "accumulation," block.  This is an exploratory block, and so there will be a bias towards accessory over supplemental lifts, and "DL" volume will be made up largely of upper back work (rows and chins). 

In the following "transmutation" block, I will look to hold squat and bench volume relatively constant and translate all the DL accessory volume into DL and DL supplement volume that looks more like squat volume.  In addition, that block will be slightly less exploratory and look to test the suppositions above about volume and specificity. 

All video is of top sets and final work sets.

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