Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Texas Method. Week 1. Volume Day

BW - 229

Squat - 345X5, 5, 5

Bench - 217.5X5, 5, 5

Chin-Ups - BW; 32 Reps, 9 Sets

First day back on TM.  Squats went fine.  3rd set shown.

217.5 for 3X5 is an LP PR on Bench.  These are definitely starting to slow down.  Also, frequency will be increasing a bit.  Initial plan is to Bench on Monday and Friday, Volume Day and Intensity Day.  Press will be done on Wednesdays alternating Volume and Intensity.  This is just to try and run up the Bench as fast as possible and see where it's at before I switch over to full TM.  Could hit that wall this Friday or a week or two hence.  3rd set shown.

Chins were a bit tougher today.  I think my back is actually getting bigger from this.  That's cool and all, but what I want to see is the reps on the initial sets start to rise.  I'm still averaging 4 reps/set, with the first set being 5-6 reps, and the second set being 4-5 reps.  But I'm prepared to take this thing all the way to 50 reps/session before I start looking for new tack.

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