Thursday, March 22, 2018

Old Man Texas Method. Week 3. Middle Day

BW - 231

Squat - 300X5, 5, 5

Bench - 205X5, 5, 5

Chin-Ups - BW; 34 Reps, 8 Sets

As promised, upping the intensity on the middle day results in lower weight squats that feel as hard or harder than the volume day squats.  Weight moved fine, just kind of felt like crap relative to Mondays work sets.  3rd set shown.

Had two options presented for off-week Bench/Press.  One was to go slightly heavier than the last volume day, but the one I went with was 90% of last Intensity Day weight.  Similar to squat, these felt as hard or harder than last volume day despite being lighter and moving relatively well.  With these, it was always the first rep that seemed to feel awful.  Again, 3rd set shown.

Chin-ups actually felt a bit on the strong side.  Got an extra rep in the same number of sets.  Probably due to more recovery with the reduced frequency in favor of more DL.  We'll see if they start to back-slide only happening once a week.

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