Thursday, March 8, 2018

Texas Method. Week 1. Press/Deadlift Day

BW - 229

Squat - 285X5, 5

Press - 130X5, 5, 5

Deadlift -

While I'm getting back into the Texas Method, this day is a bit of a trial day in the program.  Because my Bench has been moving so well, I'm running it 3X5 on Monday AND Friday until it stalls.  In the meantime, I will be alternating Press volume and intensity days weekly on Wednesdays.  Also, I'm trying out the Deadlift here to see if it interferes with recovery for Friday.  I'm skeptical that it will as I've seldom had trouble pulling and squatting within 2 days, and Friday is low volume.  We'll see.  Anyway, that's why this isn't the normal TM "light/recovery" day mid-week.  Press should switch back to standard fairly soon as the Bench is likely to stall quickly. 

Press sets were all fine.  I wasn't sure if this would be a challenging enough weight, but I think it was good.  3rd set shown.

Deadlift was a little harder than I expected.  We'll see how that goes again next week.

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