Friday, May 26, 2017

Novice LP. Session 26

BW - 228

Squat -
327.5X3, 3

Deadlift -

365X3 is an all around PR.   Heaviest weight I've ever had on my back.  Felt pretty good, although depth is not as clean as I would have liked:
As has largely been the case since I switched to triples and back-off sets, the top tripe feels much better than the following sets of 5.  Low back irritation and mental fatigue from the top set really gum up the following sets.  On this day, I ended up only doing triples on the back-offs.  Here's the shit-show that was the first back-off set:
At this point, it hurts to get out of bed in the morning.  So having hit this big milestone weight, I'm going to deload and reset to a weekly progression on squats.

I was in an unavoidable time crunch, so I skipped a bench session that would have been going for an LP PR, and just went to deadlift.

Deadlift felt pretty good all things considered, but I forgot to film it.

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